Patient procedures

Consultation with the surgeon

You are suffering from a hip or knee problem. Discuss it with your regular doctor who will refer you to an orthopaedic surgeon.

After becoming familiar with your medical records (letter from your regular doctor or rheumatologist, radiological and clinical exams, and complete medical history), the surgeon will either recommend conservative treatment or surgery.

If an operation is considered necessary, the technical procedure as well as the possible complications will be described to you in detail during the consultation. This consultation will take place a few weeks before the procedure. You will be given an information sheet at the end of the consultation; you must read it carefully, and then date and sign before it can be placed in your medical records before the procedure, as required by insurance companies.

Your surgeon will tell you about the benefits of the procedure and also the risks and complications that could occur during and after the procedure.

Your surgeon will provide you with "post-surgery" information: rehabilitation protocol, and the indications and limitations of use for your joint implant.


You and your surgeon have agreed that you will receive a hip or knee replacement. The following examinations and consultations are now required:

  •  Blood test
  •  Consultation with a cardiologist
  •  Tests for infections:
    • Urine test
    • Panoramic dental X-ray to be verified by your dentist.
  •  Consultation with an anaesthetist: bring all your test results as well as your current treatment prescriptions with you.

Screening for any focus of infection (dental, sinusitis, urinary infection, etc.) is essential. In fact, microbes that are present in the body can attach themselves to the implant and cause an infection.

Screening for risk factors that could contribute to immediate postoperative complications and/or subsequent wear or loosening of the implant is also important. The main risk factors are:

  •  Diabetes
  •  Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  •  Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease
  •  Corticosteroid or immunosuppressive treatment
  •  Remote infection or a chronic or latent local infection
  •  Obesity (20% above the normal weight)
  •  History of venous thrombosis